轻博客应用Tumblr中,在看他人的主页时候,可以看到顶部title bar的一个很酷炫的体验,当在最顶端,整个title bar的背景是透明的,而上面的字体和图标是白色的,随着逐渐滑下来,背景逐渐不透明变白,而图标及字体则渐渐灰起来。如下图
@Override public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) { if (firstVisibleItem <= 1) { View v = view.getChildAt(0); // 可见区域顶部的top,原始0,滚动到下面后为负数 int top = (v == null) ? 0 : v.getTop(); if (mCompleteFadePosition <= 0) { mFadeDuration = CoverSettings.getCoverVisibleHeight() / 2; mCompleteFadePosition = (mHeaderView.findViewById(R.id.user_info_header_panel).getBottom() + CoverSettings.getCoverPadding() - ViewUtils.dpToPx(getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.title_bar_main_content_height))); } // 当前页面顶端和结束Fade区域的距离 int delta = top + mCompleteFadePosition; mTitleBarAlpha = interpolate(delta); setTitleBarTranslate(mTitleBarAlpha); } }
/** * Specify an alpha value for the title bar. 0 means fully transparent, and * 255 means fully opaque. */ public void setTitleBarTranslate(int alpha) { if (mTitleBarView == null || mTitleBarView.getBackground() == null) { return; } mTitleBarView.getBackground().setAlpha(alpha); if (mBarTitleText == null) { return; } if (alpha != 0) { setTitleBarShadowLayer(0); } else { setTitleBarShadowLayer(1f); } if (alpha >= MAX_ALPHA) { setTitleBarColor(ORIGIN_COLOR); } else { setTitleBarColor(ColorUtil.interpolateColor(Color.WHITE, mOriginBarTitleColor.getDefaultColor(), alpha, MAX_ALPHA)); } }
private void setTitleBarColor(int color) { if (color == ORIGIN_COLOR) { mBarTitleText.setTextColor(mOriginBarTitleColor); } else { mBarTitleText.setTextColor(color); } setViewColor(mBarRightFriendView, color); setViewColor(mBarLeftSettingButton, color); } }分别写textview和button的setViewColor方法,这里颜色的变化是通过万能的ColorFilter来实现的,模式则使用了PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP。
private void setViewColor(Button button, int color) { if (color == ORIGIN_COLOR) { button.setTextColor(mOriginBarTitleColor); button.getBackground().clearColorFilter(); } else { button.setTextColor(color); button.getBackground().setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP); } } private void setViewColor(TextView textView, int color) { if (color == ORIGIN_COLOR) { textView.setTextColor(mOriginBarTitleColor); } else { textView.setTextColor(color); } }
public static int interpolateColor(int colorFrom, int colorTo, int posFrom, int posTo) { float delta = posTo - posFrom; int red = (int)((Color.red(colorFrom) - Color.red(colorTo)) * delta / posTo + Color.red(colorTo)); int green = (int)((Color.green(colorFrom) - Color.green(colorTo)) * delta / posTo + Color.green(colorTo)); int blue = (int)((Color.blue(colorFrom) - Color.blue(colorTo)) * delta / posTo) + Color.blue(colorTo); return Color.argb(255, red, green, blue); }