

时间:2024-3-2 02:50     作者:韩俊     分类: Html+Css


这里,我们不使用静态打开的的方式,low...,1、添加一个a链接 触发,打开按钮;2、编写动态打开js脚本; 3、编写modal中间内容;4、添加拖动效果;5、打开多个modal , 调用dragModal(new Array('modalId1','modalId2'));

1、添加一个a链接 触发,打开按钮:

<a href="javascript:;" title="开关" class="open-modal-dynamic" url="index.php?m=index&c=cc&a=aa&id=22" alert='1' divid="editModal">打开modal<a>
<div id="addModal" class="modal hide fade" style="max-width:800px;" data-backdrop="static"></div> <!-- 打开容器 -->  


 $('.open-modal-dynamic').on('click', function(){
  var modalId = $(this).attr('divid') ? $(this).attr('divid') : 'Modal', url = $(this).attr('url');
  $.get(url, function(data){
   if(data.status == 1){
    $('html').off('selectstart').on('selectstart', function(){return false;});
    $('#' + modalId).html(data.htmlData);
    $('#' + modalId).modal({'show':true});
  }, 'json'); 


 .line{margin-bottom: 5px;}
 .line .left{width: 100px;text-align:right;display:block;}
 .form-button{padding:2px 10px;background:#73A86A;color:#ffffff;border:none;}
<div class="modal-header">
 <a class="close" title="关闭小窗口" data-dismiss="modal">×</a>
 <h3>modal window<h3>
<div class="modal-body" style="padding-bottom: 5px;">
 <div class="line">
  <span class="left">脚本名称:</span>
  <select name="name">
 <option value='11'>11</option>
  <option value='22'>22</option>
 <div class="line">
  <span class="left">日期:</span>
  <span style="word-break:break-all;" title="的时间">
   <input class="Wdate ipt date-picker" style="width: 100px;margin: 0;" type="text" id="date_add" value="" />
 <div class="line" title="设置">
  <span class="left">是否停止:</span>
   <label><input type="radio" name="is_del_add" value="1" />强制停止</label>
   <label><input type="radio" name="is_del_add" value="0" />正常处理</label>
 <div class="line" title="按照实际情况允许进行模拟更改">
  <span class="left">执行情况:</span>
   <label><input type="radio" name="status_add" value="5" onclick="javascript:return confirm('你确定要操作该状态吗,这是系统的操作,请确认?');" />11</label>
   <label><input type="radio" name="status_add" value="1" onclick="javascript:return confirm('你确定要操作该状态吗,这是系统的操作,请确认?');" />22成</label>
   <label><input type="radio" onclick="javascript:return confirm('你确定要操作该状态吗,这是系统的操作,请确认?');" name="status_add" value="2"/>223行</label>
   <label><input type="radio" onclick="javascript:return confirm('你确定要操作该状态吗,这是系统的操作,请确认?');" name="status_add" value="0" />445</label>
   <label><input type="radio" onclick="javascript:return confirm('你确定要操作该状态吗,这是系统的操作,请确认?');" name="status_add" value="4" />55失败</label>
 <div class="line">
  <textarea name="memo" id="memo" cols="100" rows="1" style="width:370px;></textarea>
 <div class="line" style="text-align:center;">
  <input type="button" value="提交" class="form-button" id="submit2" />
  <input type="hidden" id="id_add" value="22" />
<div class="modal-footer">
 <span class="loading"></span>
 <button class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">关闭</button>
<script src="/js/dragModal.js"></script>
  $('#submit2').off().on('click', function(){
   var status = $('input[name=status_add]:checked').val(),
     memo = $('#memo').val(),
     id = parseInt($('#id_add').val()),
     is_del = $('input[name=del_add]:checked').val(),
     cron_name = $('#name_add').val(),
     cron_date = $('#date_add').val(),
     url ='index.php?m=xx&c=xx&a=';
    return false;
   $.post(url, {status: status, cron_name:cron_name, memo: memo, id: id, cron_date: cron_date, is_del: is_del}, function(data){
    if(data.status == 1){
   }, 'json')

 // drag effects begin, define the global variables to receive the changes,because of the different function of the modal


var clicked = "0";
var dif = {};
;function dragModal(obj) {

 if(clicked == undefined || obj == undefined || dif == undefined){
  return false;
 if(typeof obj == 'string')
  obj = new Array(obj);
 var modalNums = obj.length;
 //drag effects begin
 var i = 0;
 for (i = 0; i < modalNums; i++) {
  dif[obj[i]] = {'difx': 0, 'dify': 0};
 $("html").off('mousemove').on('mousemove', function (event) {
  if (clicked == "0") {
   for (i = 0; i < modalNums; i++) {
    dif[obj[i]].difx = event.pageX - $("#" + obj[i]).offset().left;
    dif[obj[i]].dify = event.pageY - $("#" + obj[i]).offset().top;
  if (clicked > 0 && clicked <= modalNums) {
   var clickedObj = obj[clicked - 1];
   var newx = event.pageX - dif[clickedObj].difx - $("#" + clickedObj).css("marginLeft").replace('px', '');
   var newy = event.pageY - dif[clickedObj].dify - $("#" + clickedObj).css("marginTop").replace('px', '');
   $("#" + clickedObj).css({top: newy, left: newx});


 $("html").off('mouseup').on('mouseup', function (event) {
  clicked = "0";

 for(i = 0; i < modalNums; i++){
  $("#" + obj[i] + " .modal-header").off().on('mousedown',{index: i}, function (event) {
   clicked = event.data.index + 1;
  $("#" + obj[i] + " .modal-footer").off().on('mousedown', {index: i}, function (event) {
   clicked = event.data.index + 1;
  $('#' + obj[i]).on('hide.bs.modal', function () {  //关闭时打开选中
   $('html').off('selectstart').on('selectstart', function () {
    return true;


5、打开多个modal , 调用dragModal(new Array('modalId1','modalId2'));


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标签: javascript html css
