<main> <div class="cd-index cd-main-content"> <div> <h1>Page Transition</h1> <!-- your content here --> </div> </div> </main> <div class="cd-cover-layer"></div> <!-- this is the cover layer --> <div class="cd-loading-bar"></div> <!-- this is the loading bar -->
该页面切换特效中使用body::before和body::after伪元素在页面切换过程中创建两个遮罩层来遮住页面内容。它们的定位是固定定位,高度等于50vh,宽度为100%。默认情况下,使用CSS transform属性将它们隐藏起来(translateY(-100%)/translateY(100%))。当用户切换页面的时候,这些元素被移动回视口当中(通过在<body>元素上添加.page-is-changing class)。
body::after, body::before { /* these are the 2 half blocks which cover the content once the animation is triggered */ height: 50vh; width: 100%; position: fixed; left: 0; } body::before { top: 0; transform: translateY(-100%); } body::after { bottom: 0; transform: translateY(100%); } body.page-is-changing::after, body.page-is-changing::before { transform: translateY(0); }
页面切换时,页面内容的淡入淡出效果是通过改变div.cd-cover-layer的透明度实现的。它覆盖了.cd-main-content元素,并具有相同的背景色,然后在<body>被添加.page-is-changing class的时候,将透明度从0修改为1。
Loading进度条使用.cd-loading-bar::before伪元素来制作。默认它被缩小(scaleX(0))和transform-origin: left center。当页面切换开始时它被使用scaleX(1)放大会原来的尺寸。
.cd-loading-bar { /* this is the loading bar - visible while switching from one page to the following one */ position: fixed; height: 2px; width: 90%; } .cd-loading-bar::before { /* this is the progress bar inside the loading bar */ position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; transform: scaleX(0); transform-origin: left center; } .page-is-changing .cd-loading-bar::before { transform: scaleX(1); }
特效中平滑的过渡效果使用CSS Transitions来实现。每一个动画元素都被添加了不同的transition-delay,以实现不同的元素动画顺序。
$('main').on('click', '[data-type="page-transition"]', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); //detect which page has been selected var newPage = $(this).attr('href'); //if the page is not animating - trigger animation if( !isAnimating ) changePage(newPage, true); });
function changePage(url, bool) { isAnimating = true; // trigger page animation $('body').addClass('page-is-changing'); //... loadNewContent(url, bool); //... }
当新的内容被加载后,会替代原来<main>元素中的内容。.page-is-changing class被从body中移除,新加载的内容会被添加到window.history中(使用pushState()方法)。
function loadNewContent(url, bool) { var newSectionName = 'cd-'+url.replace('.html', ''), section = $('<div class="cd-main-content '+newSectionName+'"></div>'); section.load(url+' .cd-main-content > *', function(event){ // load new content and replace <main> content with the new one $('main').html(section); //... $('body').removeClass('page-is-changing'); //... if(url != window.location){ //add the new page to the window.history window.history.pushState({path: url},'',url); } }); }
$(window).on('popstate', function() { var newPageArray = location.pathname.split('/'), //this is the url of the page to be loaded newPage = newPageArray[newPageArray.length - 1]; if( !isAnimating ) changePage(newPage); });