引言: 继前面的NodeJS的Hello,World!我们还可以看到其他强大之处,NodeJS现在社区的火热,以及大批工程师对它的支持之下,现在已经陆续的引出了大量的module出来了。
内容: 下面这个所演示的是NodeJS与Mysql 的交互。
这时需要为NodeJS加入Mysql 的Module了,这时前一章说到的npm(Node package manager)启到作用了。
把Mysql Module装到NodeJS中:
$npm install Mysql
JS脚本 mysqlTest.js
// mysqlTest.js //加载mysql Module var Client = require(‘mysql').Client, client = new Client(),//要创建的数据库名 TEST_DATABASE = ‘nodejs_mysql_test', //要创建的表名 TEST_TABLE = ‘test';
//用户名 client.user = ‘root'; //密码 client.password = ‘root'; //创建连接 client.connect();
client.query(‘CREATE DATABASE ‘+TEST_DATABASE, function(err) { if (err && err.number != Client.ERROR_DB_CREATE_EXISTS) { throw err; } });
// If no callback is provided, any errors will be emitted as `'error'` // events by the client client.query(‘USE ‘+TEST_DATABASE); client.query( ‘CREATE TABLE ‘+TEST_TABLE+ ‘(id INT(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, ‘+ ‘title VARCHAR(255), ‘+ ‘text TEXT, ‘+ ‘created DATETIME, ‘+ ‘PRIMARY KEY (id))' );
client.query( ‘INSERT INTO ‘+TEST_TABLE+' ‘+ ‘SET title = ?, text = ?, created = ?', ['super cool', 'this is a nice text', '2010-08-16 10:00:23'] );
var query = client.query( ‘INSERT INTO ‘+TEST_TABLE+' ‘+ ‘SET title = ?, text = ?, created = ?', ['another entry', 'because 2 entries make a better test', '2010-08-16 12:42:15'] );
client.query( ‘SELECT * FROM ‘+TEST_TABLE, function selectCb(err, results, fields) { if (err) { throw err; }
console.log(results); console.log(fields); client.end(); } );
node mysqlTest.js