1. 在shell文件内部定义函数并引用:
[~/shell/function]# cat factorial.sh #!/bin/bash function factorial { factorial=1 for (( i=1;i <= $1;i++ )) do factorial=$[ $factorial * $i ] done echo $1的阶乘是:$factorial } echo '程序名':$0,用于求阶乘 factorial $1 [~/shell/function]# ./factorial.sh 10
[~/shell/function]# cat return.sh #!/bin/bash function fun1 { read -p "enter a: " a echo -n "print 2a: " return $[ $a * 2 ] } fun1 echo "return value $?" [~/shell/function]# ./return.sh enter a: 100 print 2a: return value 200
[~/shell/function]# ./return.sh enter a: 200 print 2a: return value 144
[~/shell/function]# cat ./fun_out.sh #!/bin/bash function fun2 { read -p "enter a: " a echo -n "print 2a: " echo $[ $a * 2 ] } result=`fun2` echo "return value $result" [~/shell/function]# ./fun_out.sh enter a: 400 return value print 2a: 800
[~/shell/function]# cat ./parameter.sh #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 3 ] then echo "usage: $0 a b c" exit fi fun3() { echo $[ $1 * $2 * $3 ] } result=`fun3 $1 $2 $3` echo the result is $result [~/shell/function]# ./parameter.sh 1 2 3 the result is 6 [~/shell/function]# ./parameter.sh 1 2 usage: ./parameter.sh a b c
[~/shell/function]# cat ./variable.sh #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 3 ] then echo "usage: $0 a b c" exit fi temp=5 value=6 echo temp is: $temp echo value is: $value fun3() { temp=`echo "scale=3;$1*$2*$3" | bc -ql` result=$temp } fun3 $1 $2 $3 echo "the result is $result" if [ `echo "$temp > $value" | bc -ql` -ne 0 ] then echo "temp is larger" else echo "temp is still smaller" fi [~/shell/function]# ./variable.sh 12 3 2 temp is: 5 value is: 6 the result is 72 temp is larger
[~/shell/function]# cat ./variable.sh #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 3 ] then echo "usage: $0 a b c" exit fi temp=5 value=6 echo temp is: $temp echo value is: $value fun3() { local temp=`echo "scale=3;$1*$2*$3" | bc -ql` result=$temp } fun3 $1 $2 $3 echo "the result is $result" if [ `echo "$temp > $value" | bc -ql` -ne 0 ] then echo "temp is larger" else echo "temp is still smaller" fi [~/shell/function]# ./variable.sh 12 3 2 temp is: 5 value is: 6 the result is 72 temp is still smaller
[~/shell/function]# cat array.sh #!/bin/bash a=(11 12 13 14 15) echo ${a[*]} function array(){ echo parameters : "$@" local factorial=1 for value in "$@" do factorial=$[ $factorial * $value ] done echo $factorial } array ${a[*]} [~/shell/function]# ./array.sh 11 12 13 14 15 parameters : 11 12 13 14 15 360360
[~/shell/function]# cat array1.sh #!/bin/bash a=(11 12 13 14 15) function array(){ echo parameters : "$@" local newarray=(`echo "$@"`) local element="$#" local i for (( i = 0; i < $element; i++ )) { newarray[$i]=$[ ${newarray[$i]} * 2 ] } echo new value:${newarray[*]} } result=`array ${a[*]}` echo ${result[*]} [~/shell/function]# ./array1.sh parameters : 11 12 13 14 15 new value:22 24 26 28 30