import urllib import urllib2 import cookielib def getImg(picurl): ''' request for random_code picture and cookie ''' pic = opener.open(picurl).read() with open('./verifyImg.jpg','wb') as emptyPic: emptyPic.write(pic) def verifyImg(picpath): ''' TODO ''' pass def login(coo): loginUrl = 'http://jwxt.wust.edu.cn/whkjdx/Logon.do?method=logon' data = {'USERNAME':'*****', 'PASSWORD':'*****', 'RANDOMCODE':coo} #encode the postData postData = urllib.urlencode(data) user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)' header = {'User-Agent':user_agent,'Referer':'http://jwxt.wust.edu.cn/whkjdx/framework/main.jsp'} #generate a Request with url,postData headers and cookie request = urllib2.Request(loginUrl, postData, headers = header) #post data content = opener.open(request) #get html file mainUrl = 'http://jwxt.wust.edu.cn/whkjdx/framework/main.jsp' mainContent = opener.open(mainUrl).read() print mainContent if __name__ == '__main__': cookie = cookielib.CookieJar() handler = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie) opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) picurl = 'http://jwxt.wust.edu.cn/whkjdx/verifycode.servlet' getImg(picurl) #verifyImg(picpath) randomCode = raw_input('Plz input teh randomcode:') login(randomCode)